Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The launch of new website of Radical reflex

Radical Reflex is excited to launch new website after years. You will see things are looking pretty spiffy around here. A few of our goals with the new website were to make it faster, easier to navigate for users, and easier for us to manage/update. Most of all, we wanted to help our clients get to know us better.

If you take a gander around the site I think you’ll get a pretty good idea of who we are and what we do as a company. One of our members took proper care of the design and everything you will see in the website from a design perspective is his handiwork.

They knew what a large undertaking it would be.  To completely re-design, re-create, and move everything and everyone over to a new design and code base was a huge learning experience, for sure. And it has helped us grow as not only as business owners and partners, but also as Web designers in general by leaps and bounds.

Radical Reflex is a Web Design company, specialized in designing customized informative corporate web site design with proven SEOs. Each month, they cater a quota of website projects to ensure clients website is taken care properly. RR offers corporate-look web designs yet affordable for your website.

Radical Reflex creates websites that are searchable. It offers a wide range of services including professional web design and web development, web application, web maintenance, web marketing, web hosting, and corporate identity for business owners desiring a cost-effective website and excellent search engine results.

Customer Service is their number 1 priority in the highly demanded online business. They take advantage of leading-edge technologies in order to keep up the high standard. The team closely follows new trends and effectively implements fresh ideas. They treat every client individually, lay great stress on your needs and make you distinct from the others.

Their aim is to create brand for clients that are consistent with their name and communicate clear and concise, loyal to their personality and faithful to their tone of voice.

Their extensive design and marketing experience customize your project to suit the needs as you want, they help entrepreneurs expand their markets by integrating new technologies with traditional media.
Radical Reflex is known for delivering innovative and performing solutions. Their distinctive lateral thinking motivates people to create the essence for each brand they work for. They portray fresh and exciting approach of creativity to get outcome that is eye-catching and memorable. Their creative strength other than logo designing involves

1. Articulating brand identity
2. Web Designing
3. Web Development
4. Logo Design and Branding
5. CMS Design
6. SEO
7. Ecommerce Websites
8. Consultancy Services

They are committed in finding out the original belief of your brand and searching for the hidden assets in your brand. They also help the owners to better understand how to influence customer’s passions and preferences so that your company can establish the value of the brand.

They are one who reflects the dreams of clients and gives a progressive web solution. They develop brand identities & web applications, create stunning websites and do various other designing for clients all over the world.

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